Tutorials Index
1. Installing Windows 7 using Boot Camp (OS X 10.6 & Macbook 13" Late 2009 Unibody). This only installs 2 partitions which are Mac and Windows partition respectively.
2. Installing Windows 7 without using Boot Camp (OS X 10.6 & Macbook 13" Late 2009 Unibody). This doesn't mean not to use Boot Camp at all. We still need to install Boot Camp for drivers in Windows. This tutorial will explain how to make 2 Windows partitions using Disk Utility in Mac OS X 10.6.
3. Installing Wireless (WiFi) Driver in Windows 7 on Macbook 13" Late 2009 Unibody
4. Fixing slow booting in Windows 7 on Macbook 13" Late 2009 Unibody
5. Fixing the internal mic Macbook 13" Late 2009 on Windows 7
The steps are a bit weird but it works for 32 bit. The steps are:
1. Insert the OS 10.6 install CD
2. Right click on the DVD in My Computer, and select Open
3. Browse to Boot Camp> Drivers> Broadcom
4. Right-click on BroadcomXPInstaller and select Troubleshoot compatibility
5. Select Troubleshoot program
6. Select The program worked in earlier version of Windows.. and click Next
7. Select Windows Vista and click Next
8. Click Start the Program
9. In the taskbar, click on the shield, and then select Yes
10. The Device Driver Installation Wizard will open - click Next
11. Select I accept the agreement, and click Next
12. The installation wizard will complete, and the wireless drivers will install
13. From the Program compatibility window, click Next and select yes save these settings for this program
14. The adapter should now install correctly, and appear under Network adapters as Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter.
For Win7 64-bit:
1. Right click the network adapter in the device manager
2. Select update driver software.
3. Select browse my computer for driver software
4. Select let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. It populated a list.
5. Go down to Broadcom (not Broadcom corporation) and select Broadcom 802.11n (Broadcom). There were two that had the exact name so I can't remember which one I picked. But that seemed to do the trick.
Awesome work! Ran the utility, followed the steps, and my Windows 7 boots in seconds now (versus minutes before) under bootcamp. Nice job!